Assortment of sanding discs
Cooperstown, ND

Condition: Used
Seller Type: Private Seller
Watching: 26
Views: 300
Assortment of sanding discs

Great set of bargains all in the box for a fabber!!!!!!. I have a large box of assortment of 4-1/2-7 inch sanding discs that I were told were perfect for the body/fab/welding shop. 24-80 grit mostly. I purchased them at an auction for $150 thinking they were what I needed but they were not ideal for my farm shop needs. I was also told there are more than $150 worth in the box. Make a reasonable offer. And btw watching this ad will not get themselves sold to you unless you make an effort to get them off my hands. Just know that you can get these cheaper than you would buying from a store. Thank you.


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